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Sara McKinnon

Taking a photograph feels like a language to me. It’s a form of communication, a captured moment, frozen in time that the subject may remember. When memory blurs and time transports us further along our journey, a photograph takes you back to a particular moment. Sometimes it’s hard to look back, I have learnt that no matter whether you smile or look sad, when looking at a portrait you remember exactly how you felt in that moment. I often ask myself what sense is the strongest. Some say smell, some listening, some tasting. I feel that a photograph holds a lot of weight in a way that we only really cherish in hindsight.

Making a portrait of an individual, couple or a family feels like a message to their future selves. Photography found me later on my road and I’m so grateful to have a medium to tell many stories.

For an individual to allow you to see them is a dance between the photographer and the subject, some more tricky then others, I suppose the freedom and connection of it all is where the magic rests.

Beyond the stress of metering and composition lays a soft fabric of trust, I hope to encourage and support those who don’t usually like to be seen. Some say it can be therapy and that’s the dance I love....

Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do” - Rumi